Book: Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers

Book: Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers

Old dogs can learn new tricks

Published on Saturday, November 21, 2020

Old dogs can learn new tricks

Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers is a small e-book for ASP.NET Web Forms developers (or for those who feel that way), who want to migrate old projects to new open-source, cross-platform solutions.

We moved almost all Web Forms projects to newer technologies a few years ago. But old habits die hard. I must be crazy, but I still like WebForms much more than ASP.NET MVC. It's not that I do not see the advantages of MVC, but when I was working with Web Forms, I was doing back and front, and now I am more focused on the back end. Ahh... good times...

Blazor is a new approach to developing web apps. It enables modern full-stack web development with .NET and C#. And, yes... You do not have to use JavaScript and still get great current results. Blazor is very similar to ASP.NET Web Forms, I would say more similar to ASP.NET MVC. Book explains how would you do something in Web Forms, and then gives an example of how could you achieve the same thing with the Blazor.

The book is great for experienced WebForms developers, who want to move to newer technologies. All others, who just want to learn Blazor should look somewhere else.

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